Monday, August 30, 2010


Sunday morning we went to one of the local Gabonese churches for the early service. The entire thing is in French, so of course we understood none of it. From what we were told, it’s also important to go to an early service, because then there is a time limit to how long it can last – apparently, the last service of the day can last up to four hours. That would have been a stretch for me even in English.

There is a lot more dancing during worship than in the US, which didn’t surprise us. However, as visitors, we’re expected to sit at the front (and sometimes on stage), and get pulled into the dancing. Kelli managed to do so minimally, but I got pulled directly onto the stage.

We spent Sunday afternoon at the beach, though it was too cold to really go into the water (it was overcast and very cloudy). I stood at the edge of the waves a bit, letting them lap around my feet, until my ankles were stung by a series of jellyfish. Fortunately, it didn’t hurt much, though one of the other missionaries offered to pee on my feet if I needed him too (I declined).

Sunday evening the tailor came by to take orders and measurements for the outfits we wanted out of the fabric we purchased at Mont Buet. Kelli and I both chose a separate skirt and top, because we wanted something we would wear more than once.


  1. oooooohhhh cool! An outfit! I can't wait to see it! Will you wear it to church on Sunday?

  2. I agree... I can't wait to see the outfits, and I just wanted to let you know I completely laughed out loud when you felt the need to actually tell us that you did decline the offer for someone to pee on your feet!!!!

  3. Awww, I can't wait to see that outfit too! love reading the post from both of you about OUR african adventure. way to go Kelli on the SCRUB!

  4. its me again....anonymous, LOL.
    I just love following you two around africa. I'll be taking the ol' laptop to the beach in NC so I can keep up with you two. be safe and take lots o' pictures.
    xoxoxox Jodi O
